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Liberal Councillor Nathan Zamprogno - What you need to know about COVID

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Just how bad is the Delta strain of COVID?
Are the available vaccines effective against it?
Is Astra Zeneca safe, and should you get it?
How do we compare to the rest of the world in terms of the vaccine rollout, or the economic hit we've taken?
And whatever happened to governments worrying about debt?

I have some answers. Some may surprise you.

Last week I went to a conference in Canberra on Local Government and got briefed by experts in the health and economic effects of COVID, and I took a copy of the very latest data.

It felt it was important to share this with you.

I am asking you for your support to continue in my role on Hawkesbury Council as a member of the Hawkesbury Liberal Team, and invite you to watch this short video about what I learned about COVID at the conference.
The decisions our Council makes have real impacts on the quality of your neighbourhood, the taxes you pay, and the standard of services delivered to you.

My mission for nearly five years has been to engage and inform you about Council’s decision making. As a Hawkesbury City Councillor, I’ve worked to address big questions and explain complex issues through my website, and the best way to get regular updates is to follow me on my Facebook page.

I hope these occasional email newsletters are helpful.
I invite you get in touch with me on any subject.

I address many other matters on my website and Facebook page.

Be informed. Follow me for updates.

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