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March 12, 2025
The Effects on Insurance Premiums from Hawkesbury Flooding and Council’s Planning Policies
The skyrocketing costs of home insurance is a massive issue for people in the Hawkesbury.
Damage from flooding could cost us billions, but the risks of living in on a floodplain have driven up Insurance costs even when the sun is shining.
March 12, 2025
The Incredible Shrinking Hawkesbury Bridge Program
In 2019 and 2021, to secure votes in what was at the time the most marginal Federal seat in the nation, the Liberals pledged $200M, and then $500M to build a high, flood-resilient bridge across the Hawkesbury River that would loop around North Richmond and relieve congestion at the intersection of Grose Vale Road, Bells Line and the Terrace. Now we're told by Labor that that money isn't enough.
March 12, 2025
Two Years in One Minute – A series of Hawkesbury Time Lapse Videos
Live Traffic NSW have automated cameras all over the state, and over eight in the Hawkesbury. I programmed a script to scrape an image from each at around noon for two years (August 2022 – Dec 2024) and compiled the ~700+ images into some time lapses.
March 12, 2025
Hawkesbury Youth Summit – Opening Address
I was honoured to be asked by the Mayor to give the opening address of the "Hawkesbury Youth 'Festival of New Ideas'" at the Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Campus
October 23, 2024
Throwback Thursday – the 1998 Resolve Chemicals fire at Wilberforce
CHEMICAL FIRE AT WILBERFORCE: At 2216hrs on Sunday 12th July, 1998, Hawkesbury Fire Control received advice from 000 of a structure alight in the Woodlands Industrial Estate, WIiberforce. The township of Wilberforce has over 100 homes and light industry and is located In the City of Hawkesbury approximately 60km north west of Sydney.
September 4, 2024
Pre-election Interview with Shaun Willams of Hawkesbury Radio
I leave it all on the field with this one.
The invitation to sit down with Shaun Willams from Hawkesbury Radio this close to the election was the perfect opportunity to take the gloves off and talk about what's really at stake this time.
September 3, 2024
Meet Donna Pellew – Candidate for Hawkesbury Council with GROUP “H”
We want you to know more about my running mate for GROUP ‘H’, Donna Pellew, so I recorded this brief interview with her.
Imagine the good we could do if we elected a Council with this kind of common sense and experience!
August 21, 2024
Lost opportunities and broken promises – The case for change
Between them, Liberal and Labor have held the Mayoralty on Hawkesbury Council for seventeen of the last twenty years, with effective control of the chamber. Some would say, it shows.
July 19, 2024
Thank you to Superintendent Karen Hodges AFSM for your service
Superintendent Karen Hodges has been with NSW RFS - Hawkesbury District since the late 1980s. Now, after over 35 years of service, she is moving on. Council brought a motion of thanks and farewell, which I was happy to support.
July 19, 2024
The early history of the Richmond School of Arts
I once wrote a monograph on the early history of the Richmond School of Arts building, one of our architectural gems opened in 1866 and still operating today. Here is the historical piece I wrote if it is of interest.
July 3, 2024
The Cure for Toxic Politics is just an Election Away
Have you noticed how nasty politics has become? I’m tired of it, and I suspect you are too. Thankfully, all such problems can be solved with an election. Read my new editorial appearing in the latest edition of the 'Hawkesbury Post'.
June 15, 2024
The 2024 Federal Redistribution for Macquarie – for people in a hurry!
On June 14th the Australian Electoral Commission released their proposed new seat boundaries in NSW for the upcoming Federal election.
You may have seen headlines about the seat of North Sydney being abolished, and NSW losing a seat overall in the Parliament, but what does the redistribution mean for people living in the Hawkesbury and the Blue Mountains, in the seat of Macquarie?