Thank you for your support!

The results of the Hawkesbury Council elections held December 4 2021 have been officially declared and I have been re-elected.

✅   I was elected free and clear on the primary vote without a reliance on preferences.

✅.  I was the first candidate declared elected in the count, up from 11th in the 2016 poll.

✅.  Although I represent the whole of the Hawkesbury, I was pleased to win the booth where I live at Oakville outright, gaining more votes than any other group despite it being the ‘blue ribbon’ Liberal booth in an already ‘blue ribbon’ Liberal seat.

It’s clear that the community expects our elected chamber to work together and collaborate. We each bring unique talents and life-experiences to our roles. We each have a mandate to be heard and to contribute to good outcomes, and we absolutely must bring the community with us on that journey.

In the last term I observed that the best outcomes came when there had to be give and take, and when the chamber was a respectful space that was reflective of the whole community.

Self-absorption and inauthenticity is, and should be, frowned upon.

I leave this page here on my website to document my campaign and my pledges. Hold me to them!

Before you vote...

A letter from Councillor Nathan Zamprogno

Even if you vote Liberal or Labor, it is clear most people prefer Council to be above “party politics” – to be free to stand up to other tiers of Government when they try to impose growth, drive through highway projects, cost-shift to Councils, fail to invest in infrastructure, or impose unfair planning rules on us.

I was elected as a Liberal Councillor in 2016, but I am standing at this election as an Independent because I believe you deserve representation with integrity.

None of your Councillors have sought to engage with you as directly as I have. I have explained every position I’ve taken over the last five years on my website, and exposed Council’s failings through many videos, newsletters, on TV and on radio. If the other Councillors can’t point to a record like this, what have they been doing for the last five years? How can you be confident of what they stand for? How they voted on the important issues? 

I’m a life-long resident of the Hawkesbury. A teacher by training, I’ve taught at most local high schools, and as an ethics teacher in local primary schools. I promise to continue striving to preserve what makes our city so great to live in, while making the Hawkesbury an innovative, prosperous and economically sustainable city. If you tend to support one of the major parties at State or Federal elections, I challenge you to consider your vote for Council. You’re electing twelve Councilors, vote for strong local independents first.

I need your support through your vote to continue this work.

Councillor Nathan Zamprogno

How to vote

You are electing 12 councillors, we encourage you to follow the instructions you’ll find on the ballot paper and number multiple boxes to ensure your vote is maximised and the people you want to represent are elected.

View How To Vote

Keep an eye on your letterbox

We’re sending a brochure to residents of the Hawkesbury which introduces our team, our values and what I’ve achieved in the past 5 years as a councillor.

Otherwise, check out the digital version at the link below.

Digital Brochure

Follow me and my team on Youtube and Facebook for updates

Campaign videos

How Hawkesbury Council has failed you

Why is there still no bridge over the Grose River?

Granny flats –You deserve more choice

Promoting Bushwalking Tourism

Hawkesbury deserves a Performing Arts space

What kind of commitment does it take to be a Councillor?

Meet the team

We are independent voices. Life-long Hawkesbury residents. We promise integrity and hard work. We will drive a better, forward-thinking government.

With a huge wealth of experience in business, governance, and community service, we want to turn Council around. Hawkesbury Council has a poor record in many areas. Customer interactions are slow. Planning laws are inconsistent. Goalposts on DA’s get moved. Processing times are unacceptable. Rates go up, but you see less for it in roads, parks and infrastructure.

A vote for our team is a vote for real action to address these issues.



Grose Vale

My family has a long history in the Hawkesbury. My grandparents lived in Kurrajong and my parents married at Kurrajong Anglican Church. They attended Richmond High School just like my sister and I. I now live at Grose Vale with my wife and two kids.

I’ve been a high school Art teacher for the past 20 years. 

Growing up here I’ve noticed a change in Hawkesbury Council. It has not been for the better. It never used to be about party politics – it used to be about the people, and strong community groups, and about understanding what makes the Hawkesbury such a special place.

The Hawkesbury desperately needs independent voices that can improve our area without destroying what makes it great. I believe we can do better in local government- it’s time for a change.




I was born in Windsor and spent my formative years on the other side of the mountain in Bilpin and Mountain Lagoon. My family has deep roots within the community, being among the first to settle in Bilpin. As someone living in an area where there are roads named after their family, I feel a great responsibility to protect and preserve these regions for future generations.

My background is in Education and Social Services and I have worked throughout Asia and Europe in various roles.

I am constantly striving to expand my understanding of the world we live in and how I can apply this knowledge to the betterment of my community.

I am passionate about sustainable development and embracing human diversity. I believe in the necessity of overcoming the divides caused by party politics in order to achieve meaningful policy which will help to improve infrastructure and services while maintaining the integrity of the natural environment.




I have lived and worked almost my entire life in the Hawkesbury and I now run and own two local businesses, Unique Floral and Events – a business I started from scratch, and I recently bought the Richmond Kurrajong Florist in the main street of Richmond, a shop I actually worked at over 24 years ago. We used to run the Richmond Retravision store.

My family – husband Glen and our four beautiful daughters have lived in Wilberforce for over 21 years. My family moved to South Windsor when I was 5 and we also lived in Freemans Reach and McGrath’s Hill. I attended Windsor Primary and Windsor High School. I believe state and federal political agendas do not belong in local councils. The Hawkesbury is such a special place to live and work, and my experience in business convinces me that  Council needs to understand that local businesses are the spine of our community.




A reformed bank executive, I live in Tennyson. The preservation of the Hawkesbury’s unique, natural and historic character is my focus for Council. I’ve gained extensive business experience in Australia and overseas and believe there is great untapped potential in the Hawkesbury – both its local businesses and tourist drawcards. 

I believe Hawkesbury constituents deserve a Council that delivers world class service and infrastructure on budget and with no rate surprises! I also believe that the Hawkesbury is the best place in the world to raise a family. I’m passionate about family, tradition, our history,  life-long learning, and our wondrous landscapes. I love touring our Macquarie towns landmarks by river and on 2 wheels, the latter especially favouring our legendary bitumen gems, The Putty and The Bells Line. Perfect weekends typically include cruising up to Bilpin on an apple run or a hike down to the Grose River for a refreshing dip!

I’m a strong supporter of causes, including Dad’s In Distress, an initiative of Parents Beyond Breakup.



Kurrajong Heights

I grew up in Bowen Mountain and now live in Kurrajong Heights. 

I have appreciated all that the Hawkesbury has offered me, and so I am passionate about ensuring that this city keeps offering opportunities to young people now and far into the future, for jobs, for education, and as a place to raise a family.

I am currently studying at Macquarie University and having worked in and commuted to the city, I understand the importance of keeping the Hawkesbury’s unique balance of peaceful quiet and convenient linkages to the rest of Sydney. I’m passionate about youth activism. I am currently the Vice President of the Australian Liberal Student’s Federation, and was previously President of the Macquarie University Liberal Club.

My team and I stand for

Values you can get behind

Fighting over-development

We will take a strong stance to ensure the preservation of our rural lifestyle, while encouraging best practice in urban design excellence and renewal. We support our businesses, building infrastructure and providing housing choice. But we should determine what our future looks like, not developers.

More information:

Straight talk about developmentThe Vineyard Development AreaThe Hawkesbury Housing Strategy and the pressure for developmentInappropriate development in Kurrajong and KurmondDemanding clarity on the future of the HawkesburyFurther delays to the Grose River BridgeMcGraths Hill hotel knockback prompts litigationIs Sydney Full?When development fails the common-sense test

Independence with integrity

We promise good, respectful common sense and hard work. Council shouldn’t be merely a stepping stone to higher political ambition, be coloured with developer entanglements, or be a cushy gig where you can cynically get away with doing no work. Sadly, we’ve seen too much of that in this term. You deserve better.  It’s about serving our community.

More information:

The Gazette gives me an "A" in their Council attendance report cardA word about representing all people, not just the ones who agree with youJoining Dan Hannan in a defence of the EnlightenmentIn defence of Australia DayAbout the vote for a new MayorConfronting those who prey on the vulnerable

Supporting the performing arts

Council’s Civic Centre was built in 1980 and is showing its age. We believe that the Hawkesbury deserves a major new performing arts space worthy of the creativity of our area.

More information:

I secured a $90,750 grant for Richmond School of Arts Lighting refurbishmentSupport for developing a new performing arts facility in the Hawkesbury

Protecting the environment

We believe it is possible to be both a good conservative, and a good conservationist.

We are committed to looking after our unique Hawkesbury ecologies, as well as our built and historic heritage.

Balancing prosperity with what makes the Hawkesbury such a special place to live does not mean standing still, but it does mean ensuring Council takes its role to steward our environment and heritage seriously.

More information:

Saving Council's Heritage Committee - why I took the stand I didHelping Bushland Regeneration in BilpinHow much land clearing should people be able to do for fire safety? The Rural Boundary Clearing CodeIs your energy retailer denying you a smart meter?Raising awareness of the need for Hawkesbury-Nepean River HealthHawkesbury-Nepean river suffers as HRCC endures cut to funding“Clean up Australia” Day in the HawkesburyGet involved in the good work of bush regeneration in the HawkesburyThe Hawkesbury's Response to the BushfiresThe Health of Currency Creek

A renewed focus on the basics

We promise responsive, accountable government.

Sick of delayed DA assessments? Slow responses? Inconsistent application of rules? Too many fees and charges for simple things?

We believe Council has a poor reputation for customer service, especially compared to neighbouring Councils. We stand for reform to Council’s culture, and modernising a focus on the basics of roads, parks, and basic infrastructure.

More information:

Granny Flats - You deserve more choice in the HawkesburyA big win for residents - I secure $560,000 to seal local roadsDefeated in the effort to ensure fairer Hawkesbury Council RatesHawkesbury Council rate rises and the Valuer GeneralAre some Hawkesbury residents paying too much tax?A Win For Colbee Park Users – A Masterplan… And $573K in Funding!New land valuations give little relief for rates in most Hawkesbury suburbsBilpin businesses need help from Council, not fines

Living with the river

130,000 people live and trade on the floodplain. 600 Houses were flooded in March’s ‘moderate’ flood. It could have been worse, and someday, it will be. 

We believe the debate about flooding needs a dose of truth – firm commitments to improving our safety, preserving flood-height planning controls, limiting inappropriate encroachment on the floodplain, while protecting our world-class ecologies, both above and below the Dam.

More information:

Hawkesbury Council rejects critical flood safety measure – Again!The Hawkesbury Floods - March 2021 - Major coverageMake no mistake – raising Warragamba Dam will make our community saferInterviewed on ABC Sydney Radio about Warragamba Dam (2019)Appearing on the ABC News about raising Warragamba Dam (2018)What are the facts about raising Warragamba Dam?Council should support the raising of Warragamba DamHawkesbury Council fails a test of leadership on flood safetyBeing cavalier about community safety — elected representatives should support flood mitigation worksCommemorating the 1867 flood

Support my team and our goals

We need your help to get re-elected to the Hawkesbury City Council and continue the fight for a better, more efficient and directed Hawkesbury City Council.

You can contribute to getting the word out to fellow Hawkesbury residents by donating or letting us know if you’re able to volunteer for the campaign.

This and all content on this website is written and authorised by Nathan Zamprogno, 332 Saunders Road Oakville.