In my videos on the OSO-M9 and BLOR-Castlereagh corridors (Part 1 and Part 2 are here) I reference a Google Earth overlay I developed that draws together data from a variety of sources.

My other posts do not tour the various layers that have been incorporated into the layout, so I made another short video to show you around.

Please note that my focus is on the northern extents of the corridors passing through the Hawkesbury LGA. My apologies if you have come here from the Camden locality looking for data on the southern extent of the M9. Perhaps someone down your way can do a similar analysis.

What is a Google Earth overlay?
You are already familiar with Google Maps. Perhaps you use the web based version on your browser or smartphone.
There is a more powerful standalone app called “Google Earth”, which allows more sophisticated data to be layered on top of the general map, and layers can be toggled and edited.
The document format for an overlay carries the “.KML” or “.KMZ” extension. They are functionally the same. “.KMZ” files are simply compressed and take up less space.

How do I get Google Earth?
It’s free! There are versions for Windows and Mac, and you can download them here.
There is also a version called “Google Earth Pro”, and it will work, but the standard version is fine.

Can I use the version of Google Earth through the Google Chrome Browser?
Not to view my overlays. You need to use the app for Mac or Windows. You can’t use the Google Earth App for Android or iOS, either.

Where can I get your overlay of the road corridors?


What do I do once I’ve got it?
If you have Google Earth installed, and you’ve got my file “M9_BLOR_Corridor_Analysis_Clr_Zamprogno.kmz”
then double-clicking it should bring it up in the Google Earth program as a series of layers and folder in the left-hand pane of the app. Experiment with toggling  them on and off. You can do this individually or as whole folders.
Note that the layouts will come up with a splashscreen with my notes. It’s the first thing you’ll turn off by deselecting “Title Graphic” in the left hand pane.

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