Over a quarter of the Hawkesbury’s citizens are under 24 years of age. As a teacher, I’m passionate about ensuring their interests, and their opinions, are heard. Council used to hold a Youth Summit every two years, but I was disappointed to find that we have not held one since 2017. A year ago, I bought a motion to Council to re-start holding a Youth Summit and I was delighted that it got unanimous support among my colleagues. Today was the culmination, and I was honoured to be asked by the Mayor to give the opening address of the “Hawkesbury Youth ‘Festival of New Ideas'” at the Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Campus. Attending were students from Arndell Anglican College, Kuyper Christian School, Colo High School, Hawkesbury High School, Bede Polding College and Richmond High School. Also, stakeholder and youth services organisations like Hawkesbury Community Outreach Services Inc, Richmond Community Services Inc., Youth Employment Service, Hawkesbury Headspace and of course staff from Hawkesbury City Council are present to collaborate and facilitate the sessions. I’m very, very proud to support this initiative.