Against Over Development

Most of us want to protect the things that make the Hawkesbury a special place to live. Most of us.

But finding a balance between job opportunities, housing affordability and the other things we value – things like our open spaces and semi-rural amenity – is hard.

I and my team completely oppose the kind of barely controlled, appallingly designed subdivisions that have eaten the areas on our doorstep, whole.

But we do support:

Granny Flats: A more reasonable policy for allowing acreage landowners to put secondary dwellings or detached dual occupancies on their land

Design excellence principles: A set of guidelines in our planning rules that make our built environment places we can be proud of – sustainable, connected and leafy

Infrastructure first: When we must build, we will demand that State and Federal governments do their bit and provide necessary infrastructure first – not a decade later

My posts about 'Development'

I’ve written and spoken more about the topic of development than any other thing during this term of Council.

Hawkesbury Radio Interview with

Interview on local radio Hawkesbury Radio with “Sparky Sean” Carroll

Hawkesbury Radio Interview with "Sparky Sean" Carroll –June 9th 2024

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Interview on local radio Pulse FM with Kathryn Gene

On Monday Pulse 89.9FM Radio presenter Kathryn Gene interviewed me on air about local issues in her segment 'In Topic'. Ranging…

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The Sydney ant-hill – A modern tragedy

Should the Hawkesbury become part of the Sydney ant-hill?

Sydney has a problem: An addiction to endless growth. It's gradually eroding the things that make areas on the fringes of our…

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Potential map of housing changes (Hawkesbury)

The NSW Government’s push to build 8 story flats in your suburb

The NSW Labor government is targeting a range of suburbs for massive new urban growth and unprecedented densification. They’ve…

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The debacle that is the Grose River Bridge project

When the Redbank developers promised they'd build a bridge across the Grose River back in 2012, they said the bridge would be…

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The family home flooded because they live next door to development

After the March 2022 floods, for one family in Oakville, finding their lounge room flooded with water was the last thing they…

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Granny Flats: You deserve more choice | Hawkesbury City Council

The way Council treats granny flats and dual occupancies in our area is insane. Some types are allowed in built up areas, but not…

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Further delays to the Grose River Bridge should make you cranky

The Redbank project, and associated wrangling over the promised Grose River Bridge crossing goes all the way back to 2008. So if…

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Our policies

Re-elect Councillor Nathan Zamprogno - Group 'A'

For more information about our achievements and vision, see our campaign page

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